The Green Button is Online: VERIMI is Gradually Launching its ID and Data Platform

  • VERIMI”s basic product goes live and initially supports video-ident
  • Deutsche Bank and Bundesdruckerei integrate VERIMI from the start; further shareholders and partners will follow by mid-year
  • Start-ups Weltsparen, Compaio and Docyet are application partners from the very beginning
  • Further product features such as payment and ID functions as well as eGovernment integration will be added in the coming months

VERIMI, the new European identity and data platform, with its central and convenient VERIMI log-in (single sign-on) is now available in the German market, as a basic product (Minimum Viable Product – MVP). The launch is following a phased approach: in the first phase, the VERIMI system platform has gone live, with VERIMI shareholders Deutsche Bank and Bundesdruckerei the first organizations to make the green VERIMI button available for their online customers. In a second phase over the coming weeks, the platform will expand to connect additional partners as well as offer new platform features.

‘The go-live of the platform is an important milestone for VERIMI and for the digital economy in Europe,’ Donata Hopfen, CEO of VERIMI, explains. ‘We are now live with our VERIMI system, and we will gradually connect further shareholders and application partners in the coming weeks and months. It was important for us to go live with the platform under real conditions.’ Weltsparen, Compaio and Docyet are the first application partners to connect to VERIMI. The three start-ups have been actively accompanying the development of the platform from the outset. The aim is to quickly equip the platform with new product features and to gradually expand its reach.

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Dirk Popp
Tel: +49-172-9407483

BERLIN, April 10, 2018 /PRNewswire/ —