With the kind permission and great support of the Government of Zimbabwe the relocation will take place in Zimbabwe. Under the direction of the Zimbabwean Parks & Wildlife Management Authority as a partner of Sango Wildlife Conservancy and Hemmersbach Rhino Force 100 wild elephants are being relocated.
Over two decades of nature conservation, the sustainable use of wildlife populations and intensive protection against poachers impressively demonstrates how successful nature conservation works in Zimbabwe on Sango Wildlife Conservancy.
‘We simply have far too many elephants on Sango,’ says Wilfried Pabst, owner of the 231.66 square mile Sango Wildlife Conservancy. ‘Thanks to the support of the Government of Zimbabwe and Hemmersbach Rhino Force, we are able to save 100 elephants from culling,’ Pabst continues. The giants will be released as a donation into the Rifa Safari Area, more than 700 km away, as part of the ‘Initiative ReWild’ from the Sango Wildlife Conservancy. The entire relocation is funded by Hemmersbach Rhino Force.
The new home of the elephants is the Rifa Safari Area, a 110.94 square mile park located in the Zambezi Valley in northern Zimbabwe operated by Hemmersbach Rhino Force, who”s CEO, Ralph Koczwara, welcomes the action as clear evidence of Zimbabwe”s success in nature conservation. ‘Hemmersbach Rhino Force is very happy to enable and fund the relocation of the 100 Elephants donated by Mr. Pabst. The relocation is only the first step in the collaboration with the Sango Wildlife Conservancy and Hemmersbach Rhino Force, which is planned to see plains game animals and ultimately rhinos being reintroduced where they once lived. The Save Valley Conservancy, of which Sango is the largest property, has had resounding success in protecting its highly threatened rhino population.
More Details: http://www.sango-wildlife.com/relocation
– Picture available at http://www.apimages.com –
Sango Wildlife Conservancy
Carsten Schmidt
Tel: +49-(0)40-65-68-55-34
Hemmersbach Rhino Force
Ute Schramm
Tel: +49-173-968-9634
CHIREDZI, Zimbabwe, September 9, 2018 /PRNewswire/ —